No matter whether you’re looking to impress a new client, bedazzle potential customers, or just sound interesting at your next corporate cleaning event, having a few Commercial Cleaning Service facts and figures available can often make the difference between making a sale and going home empty-handed.
Here are some interesting facts about commercial cleaning Service that you and your customers might not be aware of.
1: It’s no secret that office desks tend to be 400 times dirtier than toilet seats – and this has nothing to do with any unpleasant surprises left in your boss’ desk drawer.
2: Seventy-five percent of hospital toilets did not meet required hygiene standards, as did 24 percent of blood sugar monitors, 35 percent of temperature probe holders, and 50 percent of bed covers or mattresses.
3: An estimated third of all workers say their workplace makes their allergy symptoms worse, and UK absences due to allergies cost the country £7.1 billion every year. A vacuum sweeper can be a godsend to allergy sufferers in dusty environments.
4: More than $26 billion was spent by European businesses on rental equipment in 2015, of which a significant portion is for cleaning equipment.
5: It is estimated that 55% of all cleaning company contracts are lost due to poor service – no one has ever been fired for being too good, unless you accidentally cleaned someone’s work in a modern art gallery.
6: It is estimated that 98% of all office workers will be affected by a contagious disease in their lifetime due to poor workplace sanitation methods, an issue that could be reduced through the widespread use of steam cleaners.
7: Office desks are often 400 times dirtier than toilet seats – and that has nothing to do with anything unpleasant left in your boss’s desk drawer.
We ensure that your offices and other business premises are well-kept with our efficient commercial cleaning services. Our vans travel all over New Zealand for cleaning tasks. Regardless of where your profession is located, don’t hesitate to contact us for professional cleaning.
Contact information
Sydvestvej 88, Glostrup
+45 4880 9952
CVR 42502065