Mistakes to Avoid When Buying Meat Online


Back in 2019 or before, most people had never heard of ordering meat — or any other type of grocery item, for that matter — online. However, because to COVID-19 and an increase in people staying at home, you can now get everything from locally raised grass-fed steak to antibiotic-free angus beef to a family-size box of frozen chicken wings with only a few clicks.

Most individuals in Singapore obtain their meat from online butcher shops. Sometimes the food is fresh, and other times it is frozen. It’s crucial to note that while buying beef or poultry, consumers make typical mistakes. Read on to learn about these blunders and how to avoid them.

Mistakes to Avoid When Buying Meat Via an Online Butcher Shop

Here are some frequent meat purchasing blunders from online butchery Singapore. Use these pointers to plan your next grocery trip.

Buying a large quantity of meat for the first time

You can never be sure about the quality of the meat you’ve ordered until you see it with your own eyes, no matter how much research you conduct before selecting on an online buying platform.

As a result, it’s always a good idea to start with a tiny buy. While you will have to pay a hefty delivery cost and receive little in the form of product, you will escape the risk of purchasing a large quantity of a low-quality product.

Purchase a couple different varieties of meat in tiny quantities. (The ones you plan to buy frequently) You can examine the quality of each piece once it arrives. All pieces of meat should pass your personal quality check if the company is good enough to buy from again!

Buying the same stuff over and over

Many people are irritated when buying meat and stick to their old standbys: ground beef and chicken breast. That can quickly become tedious.

Experiment with new meat cuts and dishes! With limited store availability, now is an excellent time to introduce some new ideas to your weekly menu.

Also, buying the same thing over and over can become tedious, both in terms of shopping and eating. Make a few adjustments to your shopping list when you buy meat from an online butcher in Singapore. It doesn’t have to be chicken breasts and beefsteak all of the time.

Try fresh cuts and recipes to transform your dinner table into a fine dining establishment. Replace the chicken with pork chops, which are just as good and excellent.

Not taking the animal’s diet into account

When purchasing meat, one of the most common errors is failing to inquire about the animal’s diet. It’s critical to make sure the animal is grass-fed, whether it’s a cow, buffalo, goat, or chicken. Make it a point to check labels to see if the packaging says ‘grass-fed.’

Even if you buy meat from an online butchery Singapore, meat alternatives urge you to read important reviews, which will assist you in purchasing the best items. Grass-fed animals are more nutritious and healthier than other types, which is why grass-fed meat is pricier.

Only skinless meat is being considered

Yes, skinless chicken breasts and thighs have less fat than skin-on chicken breasts and thighs. The skin-on versions, on the other hand, are more tasty and can still be included in a healthy diet. It’s the same with red meat: fat is what gives marbled steak its rich, juicy flavor.

Consider purchasing different cuts of meat than you normally would. Fat is beneficial. The fat in your meat is what keeps it juicy and tasty. Fattier pieces of meat, such as ribeye, short ribs, salmon, or even skin-on chicken thighs, are always my favorites.

Many people believe that fat is bad for you, but you need fat in your macro-nutrient profile, so make sure it’s genuine fat rather than lab-made fat.

Failure to investigate how the animal was raised prior to processing

All meats were not raised in the same way! The meat you buy may appear to be fine in photographs. What you really need to know is how the animal was cared for and what it was fed during its development.

For example, an animal raised in a cage and fed supplements or intentionally prepared foods instead of natural diets is likely to produce inferior meat cuts. Although this type of product is likely to be less expensive than others, it does not mean it will taste better or be better for you!

It’s crucial to understand how animals are cared for, especially when it comes to meats like chicken. This protects you from being duped by organizations selling low-quality goods and reduces your chances of becoming ill as a result of your own purchase!

If you can, support local farms and butchers. You should be familiar with the farm, its location, and its farming methods. It is critical to ensure that the quality and ethical treatment of animals are both excellent.

You should only buy organically raised foods, including poultry. Online butchery Singapore such as East Side Butchers ensures that all of the products supplied are organic and delivered to clients fresh.