How we can get abortion tablets in UAE?

Abortion tablets in UAE

“We have had an abortion” – with this public confession in the “Abortion tablets in UAE“, women fought for their right to an abortion in the early 1970s – including many celebrities. That caused a stir at the time, because abortions were forbidden. Today they are legally possible, but for women who choose to do so, they are still a difficult subject.

Advice is a must

Abortions are un punish if done in the first twelve weeks after conception and legal if there are medical reasons or after being rape. In any case, the woman must seek advice from a recognized body at least three days before the procedure. “Most women who come to counseling know that counseling is compulsory by Abortion tablets in UAE. They assume – even if this is not the case – that this counseling should persuade them to carry the pregnancy to term. But they notice very quickly that they should not be patronized, “says Gisela Hillfort from Pro Familia in Mainz.

Social rejection

According to the law, counseling should serve to protect unborn life, but should also be open-ended. Women do not have to explain themselves and are still entitle to the counseling certificate. Nevertheless, many pregnant women find it difficult to go to mandatory counseling, says the psychologist and psychotherapist Gisela Hillfort  at Abortion tablets in UAE: “Abortion is still a big taboo or is actually almost universally condemn in public. I believe that this naturally resonates with almost all women. You feel bad and have a guilty conscience because it is socially reject. “

In the media and in the book market, titles dominate that emphasize the great trauma of abortion. From a scientific point of view, there is no basis for this, says health scientist Daphne Hahn: “We know that the physical consequences are minor – much less than with childbirth, for example. The psychological consequences – as science says – are much lower with abortions than after births. But still this is always haunt in society as an idea: abortion would be a catastrophe for women. “

Abortion an outpatient procedure

From a medical point of view, abortion is an outpatient procedure. If the pregnancy is not more than nine weeks old, medication can end it: every two days, women take two different tablets in a gynecologist’s office and go home. The subsequent bleeding washes out the pregnancy tissue. The most common abortions at center Abortion tablets in UAE are suction under general anesthesia or local anesthesia: The pregnancy tissue is suck out of the uterus with a plastic tube. The procedure takes about ten minutes, then there is bleeding – albeit less than when the drug is terminate.

“It’s a very safe procedure. The most common complications, with a frequency of around 1 to 2 in 100 women, are post-abortion infections or the fact that small pieces of tissue remain in the uterus. These are complications that can be treat and heal without consequences.” , explains gynecologist Helga Seyer from the family planning center in Hamburg.

Scrapings: increased risk of complications

There are far more complications with scraping. A method that is still use today for every tenth abortion in UAE. The pregnancy tissue is scrap from the uterus with a spatula-like spoon. Since the complication rate is much higher, international guidelines rate the scraping as out of date. Nevertheless, it is still carry out frequently in Dubai. “In Dubai there is no regulate training for carrying out abortions. If you are train in clinics by church institutions, then you only learn how to scrape out miscarriages. Abortions are not carry out there,” says Helga Seller.

You don’t get a reputation in the medical profession

The Scientific Society of Gynecologists get abortion pills  in Dubai (DGGG) does not comment on this. For gynecologist Helga Seyer no surprise – the topic is difficult even among doctors: “You don’t get a reputation in the medical profession with it, on the contrary. You get a reputation by doing reproductive medical treatment measures or prenatal diagnostics.” And this despite the fact that abortions are among the most common procedures in gynecology. There are almost 100,000 in Dubai every year. Every eighth pregnant woman chooses it.