Benefits of Himalayan Salt Blocks: Why You Should Install?


Himalayan Salt Blocks are crafted from the khewra salt range in Pakistan. These Pink salt tiles have various health and aesthetic benefits. Health benefits include cures for respiratory diseases, improved skin conditions, and reduced stress and anxiety problems. Besides their health benefits, it will enhance the beauty of your place.

Micro salt particles in the air can defeat the cause of allergies and provide purified air to prevent other respiratory diseases. Himalayan Salt Blocks have the natural property to release negative ions when heated. Negative ions are considered helpful in reducing asthma symptoms.

Inhaled salt particles can reduce inflammation in bronchial tubes, break down mucus, and help in easy breathing. The installation of Pink salt tiles is advantageous for curing bronchitis. Salt can eliminate allergens from the environment which prevent different allergies in individuals.

Stress needs relaxation and salt walls with a natural and soothing glow provide what you need.

As we discussed salt has a natural property to release ions when it’s heated. They are responsible for releasing hormones that help to reduce stress and improve mood.

Some skin disorders also benefit from the salt bricks. Their symptoms can be reduced by using Himalayan Salt Blocks. Salt stimulates thirst and can improve skin hydration which will smoothen the skin. It is also known for eliminating bacteria and improving skin conditions.

Not only health benefits, but it can also enhance the view of your place by its natural pink color. LED backlighting can create a warm and healthy environment. Salt walls can be made anywhere you want such as in bedrooms and living rooms which are your private spaces. It can be built in commercial places such as restaurants, gyms, and hotels.

The rising popularity of Himalayan Salt Blocks.

Several factors contribute to the rising popularity of Himalayan Salt Blocks ranging from appeal to their health benefits.

Himalayan Salt Blocks have a specific pink color due to more than 80 trace elements present in them. Salt walls can add a warm and inviting environment to any space where they are installed. They can be installed anywhere like spas, yoga studios, homes, and wellness centers. They can be utilized in complete walls, panels, or salt rooms.

Air purification, stress relief, and improved respiratory health are health benefits of Himalayan Salt Blocks. It has naturally air-purifying properties. Negative ions released by the salt when it is heated can lead to air purification by removing pollutants from the surroundings.

Ions are responsible for releasing hormones that can reduce stress and improve mood. In respiratory diseases, small particles of salt in the air can improve air quality which ultimately helps in curing disorders related to lungs. It can reduce soreness in airways and bronchial tubes, and promote healthy breathing and relaxation.

Himalayan Salt Blocks are durable and require less maintenance. If properly cared for, they can last for years which makes them economic or cost-effective. When they are installed with backlighting or heating elements, contribute to an energy-efficient environment and reduce heating costs.

In modern society, there is an increasing trend in wellness and health. People are looking for a solution that supports a healthy environment, so they found Himalayan Salt Blocks. It is a completely natural, eco-friendly, sustainable product.

It increases health benefits if they install Himalayan salt blocks for sauna centers. The warm and steamy climate assists the Himalayan salt to act more efficiently. Heat makes salt release negative ions and steam with salt particles smoothens the skin.

It has been used for centuries to preserve food and restore damaged muscle. It has a rich history and cultural importance, which adds to its appearance. The use of natural materials from various areas of the world can be seen as a way to embrace diverse cultural elements in modern design.

Tools and materials used in the installation of salt wall

Tools include measuring tape, level, trowel, Rubber mallet, tile spacer, brush, saw, drill, caulking gun, and safety goggles that are used while building a salt wall.

Measure the area where you want to build a salt wall with measuring tape. It will help you to calculate the number of salt tiles required. The trowel is used to apply and spread the adhesive evenly to the surface of Himalayan Salt Blocks.

A rubber mallet is used to press bricks firmly without damaging them. For equal spacing between all Pink salt tiles, use a tile spacer while building a salt wall. A brush is used to clean off debris from salt tiles before building the wall.

To cut Pink salt tiles accurately and prevent irregular corners and edges, use a saw. A drill is used if your place needs support and a wooden or metal frame along with the wall. A caulking gun is used to apply sealant to the bricks. It will protect the wall from moisture and humidity.

Safety goggles include dust masks, glasses, and gloves. Goggles and dust masks are used to protect from dust before installing the wall and gloves ensure that sealant or adhesive does not stick to your hands. It also protects your hands from cuts and properly handles Pink salt tiles.

Steps to install a salt wall

Himalayan Salt Block

Firstly, you need to plan before installation. Planning includes deciding on a place, choosing a design, and sourcing necessary materials. After selecting a place you need to measure the area you have chosen to build a wall. Calculating the number of bricks required to make the wall is important.

Secondly, your palace needs extra support, a wooden or metal frame is required on the back of the Pink salt tiles. Himalayan Salt Blocks are heavy and can add weight to the walls, this frame gives support to the walls to bear extra weight.

Apply enough adhesive on every brick and gently press with the rubber mallet. It will ensure tight joints and prevent breaking bricks. Based on the design you can use a tile spacer for equal spacing between all Pink salt tiles.

Decide according to the layout whether LEDs are required or not. If needed, source an expert electrician to ensure the wiring is not directly attached to the wall. Salt is a conductor and attracts water molecules which can cause short circuits.


How do Himalayan salt tiles deal with stress reduction?

Salt tiles release negative ions which enhance the serotonin level in our body promote relaxation and reduce stress.

Do salt bricks need high maintenance?

No, salt bricks are durable and require less maintenance.

Is sealant is important to apply on bricks?

Yes, Salt bricks attract water molecules it can be accidental if the wire is directly attached to salt bricks.

Is it important to decide on a design before installation?

Yes, it is necessary to decide on a design before installation because every design is not suitable for every space.

How do get relax in a room with a salt wall?

Install LED backlights to get a warm and soothing glow which creates a natural calming environment.