Yoga has many wonderful effects on our health, one of which is related to hair fall and hair growth. Yoga for hair growth focuses on decreasing stress and enhancing growth and blood circulation. With the continuous increase in stress levels, degraded food quality and unhealthy lifestyle habits, it is a given for anyone who is struggling with hair fall to find an element that could lead to restoring balance.
Yoga can help reduce stress, which could indirectly lead to restoring the balance of hair growth. Two of the most significant yoga that could directly impact the health of the hair are yoga asanas and pranayama. However, other forms of yoga formation could do wonders for your otherwise dying hair. But before we share in this article the number of asanas that could help promote hair growth and reduce hair fall, let us share with you the science behind spiritual healing.
How Can Yoga Lead To Having Lustrous Hair?
Yoga can benefit one, irrespective of their gender, in increasing their hair growth. However, for a permanent effect, seek hair transplantation and know the Hair transplant cost in Delhi. With the performance of the right asanas, you can combat hair loss by minimizing stress.
- Stress Reduction:
Yoga assists the person by taking the edge off their stress level. Stress has been one of the contributing factors to hair loss. Moreover, a study in 2016 has shown that yoga poses lower serum cortisol levels that are intrinsically linked with higher stress levels. Another similar study has shown that regular yoga can lead to efficacy hair loss. Based on both these studies, yoga can reduce inflammatory markers that eventually decrease stress levels that could engender hair loss.
- Boosts Blood Circulation:
It has been established that yoga can promote and encourage blood flow to the scalp region. This not only safeguards one against hair loss but promotes hair growth as well. However one has to point out that this enhanced blood circulation will only last as long as they practice yoga. Asanas which one has to do forward-vending enhance blood flow to the head region. It also focuses on increasing general circulation. It not only helps in maintaining a healthy scalp health but promotes hygiene as well.
Yoga Asanas That Help In Promoting Hair Growth:
- Adho Mukha Svanasana or Downward Dog Pose:
You must start by imitating the dog position with all four limbs. The elbows as well as the knees should be posed straight. Now, you have to push the hips out and pull the stomach inwards so that the body creates a shape of V invertedly. The legs should be wide apart maintaining a straight line with the hip. Hands should have a shoulder’s distance placed in between them. It is the time you need to elongate the neck and keep pressing the palm to the ground. You have to hold this position for a while to take a few breaths.
The asana focuses on enhancing blood circulation in the head. It is also helpful towards the common cold as it improves sinus activities, insomnia, mental fatigue and depression.
- Utthanasana or Standing Forward Pose
Utthanasan or standing forward pose is one of the essential asanas that helps in the growth of hair. You need to stand with your hands above the head maintaining the mountain pose. Keep in mind to keep your spine straight with the feet a few inches apart. Inhale while staying in this position to lengthen the spine. But while you exhale, hinge the hips and bend over to move the hands towards the floor. You can slightly bend the knees to avoid straining your legs as well as the lower back. However, bring the fingertips down to touch the floor. Although it is not necessary to touch the floor. Bend your body as stoop as you can. All your effort should go towards putting the body weight on the balls of the feet.
With the help of this asana, you can reduce tiredness and fatigue.
- Pawanmuktasana or Wind-relieving Pose
Pawanmuktasana, otherwise known as the wind-relieving pose, requires you to lie down straight on the back. While you are in that position, take a breath in and pull the right knee towards your chest. Now, clasp it in your hands. When exhaling, take the forehead towards the right knee. However, remain in this position for a while maintaining gentle breathing. Take a breath in and put the head back. But when you are exhaling, put the right leg back on the floor. Keep repeating the process with the left leg, ultimately moving to both legs.
This particular asana would help you eliminate the build-up of toxic gases that are trapped in the intestines. Therefore, it aids in digestion.
Ending Note:
You can also opt for shoulder stand or sarvangasana, vajrasana or diamond pose, kapabhati or breath of fire to increase blood circulation to your hair.