Histrionic Personality Disorder Facts, Reportedly Has Amber Heard


Most people want to be the center of attention and that’s natural Histrionic Personality Disorder Facts. However, if you show or express something excessively to get attention, or are obsessed with being the center of attention and will be disappointed if you don’t get it, this should be watched out for.

In psychology, it is a sign of histrionic personality disorder . Histrionic itself means “theatrical” or “dramatic”. Women are said to have experienced this personality disorder more than men.

Well, if you’re following the trial of Johnny Depp and his ex-wife, Amber Heard, there’s some news. One witness, Shannon Curry, who is a forensic psychologist employed by Johnny’s legal team, said that after a 12-hour interview and reviewing Amber’s mental health history, Shannon reached the diagnosis that Amber had histrionic personality disorder and borderline personality disorder .

Come on, see more about histrionic personality disorder here.

1. Signs and symptoms

Even though it falls under the category of disorder, histrionic personality disorder is less likely to be a worrying psychological disorder.

Most people with this personality disorder are able to place themselves in their social environment. However, the difference between normal individuals and individuals with this disorder is in showing their feelings, the excessive emotion shown is not an expression of true feelings, but rather to manipulate others.

According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM–5) issued by the American Psychiatric Association , people with histrionic personality disorder show at least the symptoms of dramatization, over-expression of emotions, and the likes of acting.

other signs that are shown include:

It’s uncomfortable not being the center of attention.
Dress provocatively or vulgarly, and/or display inappropriate flirting behavior.
Acting very dramatically, as if you were performing in front of an audience, with exaggerated emotions and expressions, but not being sincere.
Excessive worry about physical appearance.
Rapid emotional changes.
Constantly seeking reassurance or approval.
Easily gullible and easily influenced by others.
Sensitive to criticism or disapproval.
Low tolerance for frustration and easily bored with routines, often not doing things to completion or moving on to other things.
Don’t think before you act.
Hasty in making decisions.
Selfish and rarely shows concern for others.
Difficulty in maintaining relationships, often appearing fake or superficial when dealing with other people.
In the severe phase, they may threaten or attempt suicide to get attention.

2. Usually appears in adolescence or early adulthood

Reported by Healthline , the exact cause of histrionic personality disorder is not known with certainty. However, experts believe that its emergence is influenced by environmental and genetic factors.

Some sufferers are known to have a history of the same personality disorder in their family, as in one of their parents. In children, this disorder can develop due to “learning” from the behavior of their parents.

In addition, this disorder can also occur due to lack of discipline or positive reinforcement for dramatic behavior as a child. A child may develop this personality disorder as a way to get attention from his parents.

this personality disorder can also develop in relation to how temperament and psychological style and the way a person deals with stress when growing up

3. Diagnosis

If a person is suspected of having histrionic personality disorder, the doctor may examine the patient’s medical and psychiatric history.

A physical exam and laboratory tests such as blood tests or neuroimaging studies can be done to find out if a person is showing personality disorder symptoms from certain physical problems. If no physical problems are found, the doctor can refer you to a psychiatrist or psychologist.

A psychiatrist and psychologist can use some expert questions to get a clear view of the patient’s behavioral history.

Experts use special interview and assessment tools designed to evaluate personality disorders. If an accurate assessment has been achieved, the diagnosis will be easier to establish.

4. Several treatment options that can be done

Although generally this disorder is nothing to worry about, treatment is needed if the disorder has a negative impact on the patient’s life. For example, it has a negative impact on daily activities, work ability, or difficulty feeling happy.

Psychotherapy is the most common and considered effective treatment for histrionic personality disorder. Reported by the Texas A&M University page , United States, several options that can be done are:

Combination of interpersonal therapy and functional analytical psychotherapy.
Functional analytical psychotherapy.
Cognitive analytical therapy.
Psychodynamic oriented individual therapy.

5. There is a tendency to be prone to depression

A person with histrionic personality disorder is more at risk for depression . This is because the disorder affects the social, professional, or relationship life of a partner and how they react to failure or loss.

Well, depression is what makes them have to get help from medical experts such as psychologists or psychiatrists.

Histrionic personality disorder craves attention from those around him. Maybe you who are around him are made uncomfortable or annoyed. However, they should not be shunned. In a nice way, maybe you can convince him to get medical help.

