Home Technology How 5G affects the decrease in traffic accidents

How 5G affects the decrease in traffic accidents


There is already a lot of talk about 5G around the world and although the implementation is somewhat delayed, little by little they are expanding and adapting the wireless structures to make this new connection possible. The Internet is part of our lives, we have become accustomed to spending our time online to study, work or just have fun, that is why 5G will not only improve our daily lives but it is expected to improve various sectors of industries.

What is 5G?

First of all, it is important to be well informed about what 5G is. It’s just a new communication model like 4G or 3G but improved because if we use it we can surf the Internet at a much higher speed than previous connections. Although we are already talking about 6G, we can say that with all the improvements in 5G, a world of opportunities will be available to everyone. On this occasion, we want to highlight the improvements that the automotive industry will have.

Do you want to know more information about what 5G is and its differences from 4G? We leave you this article that will solve this doubt.

5G and accident prevention

According to a report by the WHO (World Health Organization), traffic accidents are the cause of more than 1.3 million people worldwide. With the high speed that 5G will bring us, cars can be improved and made safer than previous models. For example, the sensors will be of better quality and can be attached to cars, increasing the range of data on the state of the road, since current sensors have a range of up to 300 meters.

There is a technology called V2X (Vehicle to Vehicle) that allows cars to communicate with each other, and another system called V2X (Vehicle to All) that communicates with all kinds of infrastructure instead of communicating with other vehicles to adapt to the needs of the driver, even in a dangerous situation, will be able to detect before what maneuvers the vehicle ahead will make. 

Another point in favor is that if the road is poorly visible due to fog, our vehicle will be able to send signals to those behind us to warn them or vice versa.

5G will accelerate the rapid transmission of all data and alert systems sooner. For example, when one car collides with another, it sends a message to cars further away to warn them, which in turn creates a chain of information between all drivers.

The early traffic lights

5G will also help communication between traffic lights and cars by constantly sending signals about the color in advance and how long it will take to change so that the car can calculate the braking speed to avoid hard braking or avoid driving too fast.

It is incredible that when the car is turning, it will also be able to recognize if a pedestrian is crossing, because the cameras and traffic light sensors will be able to connect, thus avoiding even more accidents.

Let’s hope that all these predictions can be put into operation once 5G is installed worldwide.

Now that you know how this new network will be able to connect with the technology of your next car and protect you on the road, you just need to know which car insurance is right for you. In our quote, you can compare coverage from the main car insurance. What are you waiting for?