How can Pet vaccination management software help?


Never neglect when it comes to seeking medical care, No matter if it is for you, your family, or your furry friends- means your pets. 

Being a pet parent, it is you, who is responsible for the health and wellness of your pets, where taking timely medication and vaccination becomes a preliminary requisite.

We never doubt your love and care for your pet. But we also know the complexities of your hectic lifestyle, followed by a 24×7 busy schedule, where you may sometimes miss the due medical care, or vaccination. 

Well, today’s blog is not about discussing these problems. In fact, we are more focused on providing a solution to tackle the concern and ensure the perfect health of your pet. 

And this solution is- Pet Vaccination Management Software

The software has been specifically designed to take care of all the medical aspects of pets of all types. Starting from a minor grooming session to significant vaccination, for everything you can rely on this system, especially if you choose Get Easy Pet Grooming and Vaccination Management Software.

How Software Helps in Vaccination Management

The usage of the software can help a lot in simplifying the overall vaccination management process for both the pet parents and the owners of vaccination centres. In fact, it is something the software is actually meant for.

Firstly the appointments

The software allows the facility of quick and easy appointment bookings and management which is not only beneficial for one party but helps at both the ends. 

Firstly, the pet parents do not necessarily have to visit vaccination centres just to book an appointment. From this, they can save their time by standing idle in the queues just for a vaccination confirmation.

Well, not only the appointment bookings, the software also provides a feature through which such appointments can be cancelled, or rescheduled. But try not to delay it, as it is a matter of your furry friend’s health and wellness. See you there! 

If we come to the second perspective, then it helps the owners of vaccination centres and institutions by reducing their burden of exhausting management of such appointments. They don’t have to record, manage, or store these appointments manually anymore. 

Individualized care, and attention

The software through its unique features, mainly the multiple pet management portal, enables professionals to access all medical and other necessary information about each and every pet coming for the vaccination. 

Such detailed analysis will one side enable professionals to provide better services and medical treatment to pets. On the other hand, pet owners will enjoy proper and timely vaccination of their pets .

Customized consent forms

A consent form provides full information about the medical treatment, vaccination, its possible risks, and side effects to the pet parents so that they can decide accordingly. Furthermore, it will also serve as a legal shield in case of any mishappening, the chances of which are almost nil. 

For different conditions and different pets, the software allows the design of different consent forms. The customization of the terms and conditions and other details can be done in a way that covers all major aspects. Additionally, such consent form does not need to be on paper. Instead, it can be sent electronically via mail, or WhatsApp directly to the pet parent. 

In return, the pet parents can also read it online, and even revert it with an e-sign. Isn’t it easy, simple, quick, and amazing? 

Online Consultation and Medication

The information entered once into the system can stay lifelong without any chance of being lost, or corrupted. Following this reliable pet-related information, the vaccination professionals, vets at the institution, or pet care clinic can also devise a proper treatment plan for the pets.

The software also has an online consultation booking facility where online prescriptions can be made, sent, and received via online mediums. The feature is highly beneficial in case of any emergency.

Not Just a tool to assist!

If you are underestimating the software as just a tool that helps only in simplifying the process of vaccination, and nothing else. Then, you are completely wrong here. 

In reality, the software’s scope is much wider than you actually think. Beyond its primary function which is to say ensuring proper pet vaccination, it also helps in a number of other secondary but significant services, such as: 

1. Pick up and Drop off: Well, if you don’t have the time to pick up or drop your furry fluffy friend to the pet care centre, or boarding, then worry not. The software has you covered with this aspect too. 

The software also contains a portal, especially for this crucial requirement of pet parents. Just book an appointment, and one of the professionals from the vaccination centre, or boarding alike will be there to pick up and drop off your pet at your specified time. 

2. Timely Reminders: Well reminders are not only for the vaccinations alone. They can also be sent for other secondary purposes such as grooming sessions, or deworming of the pets. 

Just by a single click, brief and attractive messages will be sent to each pet parent. Beyond just the normal messages, the individualized spark of these messages will create a sense of belongingness in the minds of the pet parents and will also keep them aware of the upcoming sessions. 

3. Package Customization: When it comes to the health of the pets, every pet parent wants their pet to get the best and all necessary medical treatment and care. For this usually, different health, vaccination, grooming, and check-up sessions are being prepared. 

The software enables you to design, create, and modify such packages within a short span of time. Not just the preparation, these packages can also be showcased on the portal directly to make the pet parents aware of these packages, and their details.

4. Inventory Management: A list of inventory and tools may be needed during at a pet care, boarding, or vaccination centre. Starting from the vaccination injection, cotton, and bandages, to oral medications, and toys/foods for the pets, everything has to be available 24/7. 

To keep proper maintenance of the stock, the software provides timely alerting messages whenever any inventory reaches the emergency level, or when a refill is required.

5. Periodic analysis: As an owner or manager, you should be aware of what’s going on exactly in your veterinary clinic, or centre alike. To provide you with in-depth information about the actual performance and activities, the software can even provide you with a monthly evaluation report. 

Analyzing this periodic report will help you to know your strengths and weaknesses so that you can work in future with a high level of accuracy and dedication.

Well, reading can provide you with just theoretical knowledge about such benefits. The real wonders are only possible when you try this amazing software in an actual sense.

Currently, the software has a free demo session too. So what’s the delay? Try it today, and even now!