How Do New Students Submit Assignments At London University?


To embark on your education life at London University is a great moment with a lot of experience expected of you. An important part of mastering the lifestyle in a university institution is learning how to submit assignments. This knowledge can save you a lot of time and ensure you submit all your papers without any problems. Here is a detailed explanation of how new students can submit their assignments at London University.

Learn Intro To The University’s Learning Management System (LMS)

London University adopts an efficient LMS, which is either Moodle or Blackboard that is used to handle submitted assignments. To begin with, being a new student, the first approach is used to get with this forum. Discussion is given following:

Login Credentials: Because you have enrolled for the online course, you will get your login details through your email. These have to be used to get into the LMS.

Dashboard Navigation: Upon login, one can navigate to the course listing and locate the various course home pages.

Resources: Almost all the courses present a section with resources section containing information on navigating within the LMS.

Understanding Assignment Requirements

Always ensure you read and understand the assignment instructions before working on it. Here’s what to look for:

 Assignment Brief: The purpose of this document is to describe the exact task, intended goals, and expectations. Depending on the course, it may be posted on the course page.

Deadlines: Pay attention to the due dates so that you can plan appropriately.

Formatting Guidelines: This section also focuses on the submission guidelines, including the type of file that should be used, the size of the font to be used, and how references should be formatted. As suggested by the words to be discussed, the writing services that are referred to as Write My Assignment Online ensure the students get professional help in completing their work.

Preparing Your Assignment

Preparation is ensuring a smooth submission process:

Drafting: It is advisable if you begin working on your assignment sometime before the due date. This creates a space for discussion, draft writing, revision, and the overall improvements of the work done.

Proofreading: It means running a grammar check for the language and proofreading to ascertain that you have not plagiarized on the assignments or works that you have done, as well as making sure that you have followed all the necessary formatting.

File Naming: As a result, enter an appropriate file name, which may be ‘Your Name _ Course Code _ Assignment Title’ for ease of identification.

Turning In Your Assignment Using The LMS

 Follow these steps to submit your assignment via the LMS:

Locate the Submission Link: On your course page, you should be able to locate the link that says submission for the assignment. It’s usually labeled clearly.

Upload Your File: On the submission link, please click on the link and then upload your file. Before continuing, always make sure that the document in question is the right one.

Confirm Submission: Upon uploading your writing, make sure that you check on the submission. Many of the systems shall offer a confirmation message either in the bulk email or in the popup message box.

Check Submission Status: It is advisable to look for your submission at the LMS to confirm that it went through.

Dealing With Technical Issues

At times, discrepancies are bound to occur, especially because the technology used is quite complex. How to handle them; some tips are the following:

Early Submission: It is recommended that one should submit their assignment a day in advance of the supposed time of submission. This creates room for handling any unforeseen complications since you are the one prepared earlier.

Help Desk: It is highly advisable to take the time to get to know the contact details of the university’s IT support. In case of any issues, kindly contact them without any delay.

Backup Plan: It is recommended to keep a copy of the assignment you have completed on a cloud service or an external hard drive.

Feedback And Grades

Feedback: Lecturers will give input on the LMS. The purpose of citing it is to see what needs to be enhanced or adjusted, so be sure to read it thoroughly.

Grades: Results will be uploaded on the LMS. Maintain records of your performance as a way of evaluating your academic performance.


Handing in assignments at London University is easy once one understands how to do so. With the help of active LMS usage, comprehending the instructions of the given assignment, proper preparation of the work, and its correct submission, the academic process can become a successful experience. All right, in general, coming to work prepared and sorted is one of the secrets to having no unexpected problems at the last moment.