How to Be a Better Partner: Qualities That Will Win Back Your Wife’s Heart


For both of you to be able to leave behind a rocky time in the marriage and get that twinkle back in your eyes, you have to work at it and understand the importance of becoming better people. If you are curious about how to get your wife to forgive you and love you again, then it is necessary to learn some principles which will help to reconstruct your marriage. Here are some of the most critical personality traits that you should develop to help you have a positive impact on your relationship.

1. Active Listening

The most important element any relationship is that of active listening. What this means is that when your wife is speaking, make a point of being interested in what she is saying. Avoid staring at another person’s eyes, instead, verbally, show through head movement and questions you have for them that he or she is indeed, interesting. It also means that through the active listening she feels respected, and thus, she gets a chance to be accorded an audience, this makes her feel valued. It can go a very long ways toward helping her understand that the reason for your actions is that you do respect her and do value her decision.

2. Empathy and Understanding

Empathy is basically about envisioning yourself in your partner’s shoes and trying to see her outlook. When talking about issues or feelings use the best disposition and avoid arguing. Instead of coming up with solutions that solve a problem immediately or justify yourself, accept what she feels and respond to her experiences. This works negotiations to reduce emotional distance and hence negotiate marital problems easily since there is a close bond.

3. Consistent Communication

Speaking with one’s partner honestly is crucial prerequisite for any relations. Your wife should often hear you putting down your ideas, your feelings, and even your concerns. You should encourage her do the same and make wonders that both of you are free to talk about some intimate problems. It allows a couple to avoid new misunderstandings and to confirm their readiness for regular communication with each other. It is also a very important stage to know how to get your wife back into your life because it proves that the man is willing to work on the relationship.

4. Dependability and credibility

It also helps to cement the two of you as partners, which brings safety to a relationship. Deliver on every pledge you make, even if they are the simplest, and do those things that make your wife know she can rely on you. For your marriage, it is wonderful when she knows she can always count on you to support her and build on this frequently. In trust one needs some time to develop, but once it is damaged it disappears quickly but being dependable constantly will make your wife to believe that you are serious in making her to come back.

5. Affection and Appreciation

It is good for the husband and wife to show affection to each other and to make efforts to whisper words of love or encouragement to keep the fire going in a marriage. Simple actions such as writing love notes, complimenting your wife, and physical touching are ways that will help to make her feel loved by you. Another way is to always appreciate her for the things she does in a daily basis It also reminds her that, she is very much appreciated in your life. This can go a long way in explaining how to win back your wife’s heart and ensure that she feels like the most cherished lady on this earth.

6. Shared Goals and Teamwork

Partnership is defined by the cooperation with the intention towards the realization of the agenda set for partnership. Talking about career goals or dreams you have as individuals, as a couple, or as a family, financial goals and any other goals that you may have. It helps your wife feel involved because you are all on the same ship and have the same targets to achieve thus helping you view each other in a more complementary way. The other way through which working in projects or decisions can help reignite the passion in marriage is that.

7. Personal Growth

The personality can play a significant role in their relationship and a promise to evolve positively affects a relationship. Assess your strengths and limitations and do something to enhance yourself. This can involve going to a counsellor, engaging in new activities or merely having time to reflect individually. If you make it a point to go out of your way to become the best person that you possibly can be, this helps your wife with the same intention and strengthens your bond.


Rejection is painful, especially from someone you love most, so regaining her trust for your wife means you have to work at it. It’s quite possible to cultivate such personal skills as active listening, empathy, communication, responsibility, and gratitude and so improve marital-ties. Cultivate good rapport between employees and management, concentrate on company development and common objectives, and restore trust is not a one-day affair. That’s the message that Jennifer Love Hewitt and her partner are giving men and women around the world who want to rekindle the flame and build a happy life between two people.