How to get online counselling for Abortion in Dubai?

abortion pills in Dubai online
abortion pills in Dubai online

For many women, an un plan pregnancy, especially an un want pregnancy, is a crisis. In such cases, it is advisable to consult someone you trust  like Abortion pills in Dubai online.

Counselling in pregnancy conflicts

Nationally recognize pregnancy and sexual counselling centers offer free, impartial and, on request, anonymous counselling Abortion pills in Dubai online. Conflict counselling is provide by experts train in pregnancy counselling. Confidential counselling can help to determine whether a full-term pregnancy is still possible or whether an emergency abortion (miscarriage, termination) is necessary. With the introduction of the termination of pregnancy clause, each woman can decide for herself whether she wants to terminate her pregnancy before the 12th week of pregnancy. However, the law requires that this emergency situation be authorize in writing.

Important note: A pregnant mother is no longer protect against dismissal after an abortion. This only applies if she becomes ill as a result of the abortion.

What happens in the event of an abortion?

There are three types of abortion Abortion pills in Dubai online, depending on the age and stage of pregnancy. At week 7 (= 49 days from the first day of the last menstrual period or the equivalent ultrasound measurement), abortion can be terminate with medication. week 12, the pregnancy can be surgically terminate with a pill. At higher gestational ages, the pregnancy is terminate by induction of labor. Which is usually only perform if the baby has serious abnormalities (according to the prenatal diagnosis or ultrasound scan). In principle, the earlier the abortion, the fewer the physical complications and the fewer the emotional consequences.

An uncomplicate abortion leaves no trace, no one will notice it afterwards, and has no negative effects on any bodily function, especially fertility. The next ovulation does not occur until two or three weeks later, and the woman can become pregnant again.

Complications such as uterine damage, heavy bleeding or inflammation are very rare (less than 1% of cases) if abortion is perform in a specialize clinic or under appropriate conditions. If you have heavy bleeding, pain, fever over 38.5°C or bad smelling discharge, contact your doctor or hospital emergency department. If the infection is not treat quickly and completely. Your fallopian tubes may stick together or fuse, which could affect your future fertility.

Mifepristone medication (Mifegyne, RU486):

Mifepristone is an antiprogesterone (an antidote to the pregnancy hormone progesterone) that prevents egg implantation or causes egg rejection. Three Mifepristone® tablets should be take on the first day at Get abortion pills in Dubai  . To expel the embryo, e.g. in the case of spontaneous abortion, two prostaglandin tablets such as misoprostol (e.g. Cytotec®) should be take 48 hours later. Prostaglandins cause the uterus to contract, causing it to disappear. Prostaglandins should also be take if bleeding starts after mifepristone. Otherwise there is a risk that only part of the pregnancy will be remove. After a miscarriage, vaginal bleeding can continue for up to 14 days, resembling prolong menstruation. An ultrasound scan can check that everything has been completely remove.