Bottles can be very fragile, especially glass or crystal bottles, which can easily break with the slightest blow, hence the importance of bottle packaging when transporting or storing them safely. The manufacturers make a lot of effort to protect these bottles. For that, they use numerous techniques and methods. However, the most significant step is that many beverage manufacturers take, using custom bottle boxes. We can easily find these custom printed 60 ml bottle boxes on store shelves. Generally, these boxes tell exactly about what is inside them. And generally, these boxes have a liquid, which can be hemp oil, perfume, syrup, liquor, or any other liquid.
There are different types of packaging for bottles, but not all are equally effective or offer the same protection, especially if they are to be used for bottles of wine, liquor, beer, etc., which are generally made of glass. Among them, cardboard boxes for bottles stand out as the best packaging. We recommend these boxes because they are designed specifically for bottle transportation, are resistant, and offer the protection they need. That said, today, we are going to focus on packaging for glass, plastic, metal bottles, etc. For that, we help you choose the boxes to transport bottles. Additionally, we need to review all the aspects to guarantee their protection. It will help you avoid any risk during transport. So, if you have a food or beverage business and you have to store bottles in your day-to-day life, pay attention and take note because it interests you.
Tips for choosing bottle packaging and getting it right
Bottle material
The first thing to consider is the material of the bottle. We consider it the most crucial. The reason is that it will mark the quality that the cardboard of the boxes should have to send bottles, the thickness, the need to insert interior dividers, or what is the most suitable format for the cash register. The more fragile the material, the better the packaging boxes for bottles should be, and it is important to use interior dividers.
Bottle size and shape
On the other hand, the size and shape of the bottles will mark the measurements of bottle boxes, since you will not need the same boxes to transport bottles of wine or any other liquor. The boxes for wrapping bottles must be adapted to the container. Furthermore, they are neither too big nor too small. If they are large, the boxes could be crushed. On the other hand, if they are small, they can break the bottles inside.
Prevent the bottles from going loose.
Once we are clear about the material and size of the bottles, we must avoid that going loose inside the boxes. On the other hand, they will collide with each other during transport. It can also be possible that they will end up breaking, especially if they are made of glass or crystal.
For this, the spacers will be your best allies. The reason is that they will avoid contact between bottles and will guarantee the perfect fixation of each one. Another less recommended option is to wrap the bottles in a padded material and fill the gaps inside the box.
Once we are clear about all the aspects that must be considered in the packaging of bottles, we only need to choose the boxes, and we have the best cardboard boxes for bottles, which will adapt to your needs, the type of bottle, and they will guarantee you the best results.
The companies offer a wide catalog of cardboard boxes for bottles of wine, champagne, liquor, oil, or any other glass container, which you can also use as packaging for plastic or metal bottles if you wish.
With different formats available and cardboard packaging and CBD packaging boxes with logo for wine bottles, you will not need to worry since they are highly resistant and offer maximum protection, resisting any blow or impact they may receive during transport.
And not only that, but they also have original and exclusive designs that make them perfect as cardboard gift boxes for bottles, since you will be surprised with the quality, full-color packaging that will not go unnoticed.
The Final Words
There are cardboard boxes for 1 ml, 2 ml, 3 ml, 4 ml, 10 ml, 30 ml, 50 ml, 60 ml, 100 ml, 250 ml, 500 ml, and 750 ml wine and beverage bottles, perfectly prepared with interior dividers and elegant designs that will not go unnoticed. Also, they are made of corrugated cardboard and come with handles for transport, what more could you ask for? You already know that bottle transportation needs the best ideas for bottle boxes, which will adapt to your needs, guarantee the best results and allow you to enjoy safe transport. However, it is a must to choose the boxes you love the most. And if you have any questions, you need to address them before ordering packaging solutions for your bottles. It is because once you have ordered, the changes become difficult to implement