Paperback Vs. Hardbound Books – Which One To Choose?

Paperback Vs. Hardbound Books -

Regardless of the century, we dwell in, the age-old question, paperback or hardbound? Since both paperback and hardbound notebooks have their distinct benefits and drawbacks, it is quite challenging to say which one is the best among them. However, understanding both is essential to decide which one is more suitable for you to read! Never go off the format when you plan to buy a notebook. 

So to help you decide to pick one, we have jotted down three distinct parameters for you to evaluate. 

Have a look!

Selecting One Based on Purpose and Cost

  • Saving cost by selecting a paperback: 

If you are planning to stick to your budget or are just concerned about the quality more than look, choosing a cheaper alternative would be the best pick for you. And when you say cheaper, it is paperback for sure! However, friends’ hardbound notebooks are pretty cost-effective, worth at least a consideration.  

  • Consider hardbound if you want to read first releases:

If you love reading books, it is better to select hardbound because most of the time, books are first released with hardbound. If you have been waiting for that one particular book for a long time, satisfy your thirst by buying that hardbound copy. 

  • Choose paperback for light baggage:

If you want something travel-friendly, paperbacks are a suitable option. They are light in weight and very floppy, perfect for the plane and car rides. Moreover, even if it is just a notebook, paperbacks are more convenient than hardbound notebooks. Just pick one and stash it in your back pocket, and you are ready to go. 

  • Considering the longevity:

If you plan to preserve the book for a more extended period, get yourself a hardbound copy if you are a student. It is always better to get hardbound notebooks. . These can withstand daily abuse for a longer time which is quite challenging for paperbacks. 

  • Hardbound make the best gift!:

If you plan to gift a book to someone, it is always a better option to select the hardbound edition. Reason? They are aesthetically pleasing, which is absent in paperback. Don’t worry if you find those hardbound sold out. The book you choose is what matters the most. 

Selecting One Based on Look and Feel

  • Maintaining the collection aesthetics:

We all follow a pattern when we arrange books on a shelf, be it heightwise or the name of the writer we love. Hardbound is relatively easy to place vertically on a shelf. They hardly require support, thus easy to arrange. 

  • An edition that goes with the existing collection:

Try keeping up the consistency with the existing collection. We mean if the book you are planning to buy is a part of a series and you already hold the hardbound copies, by the planned one with the same cover. If you mix-match the covers, they won’t look aesthetically pleasing, destroying the overall look of the shelf or your book corner.  

  • Selecting considering the appealing cover:

Hardbound covers are much more appealing than  These can withstand daily abuse for a longer time which is quite tough for paperbacks, for example, friend’s hardbound notebooks.  Even if the notebook or the novel you are buying isn’t a special edition, the dust jacket can add the X factor, which isn’t available in paperbacks. 

Yet, it nowhere means paperbacks aren’t appealing. At times their designs are far better than the hardbound. 

  • Ease of holding:

Paperbacks are the best option if you want something easy to hold, thanks to their lightweight nature! Easy, convenient, and not so bad appearance, perfect travel partners. However, paperback notebooks lack a little charm, which is quite evident if you look at friend’s hardbound notebooks.

Better for Self-Publishing

  • Considering the appeal factor:

If you prefer appeal over cost, selecting a hardbound cover is a more suitable option. Their high quality and longevity never attract people; friends’ hardbound notebooks are the best live examples. 

  • Opt for the trade paperback to have budgeted quality:

Try trade papers if you don’t want to give up on the quality, and budget is the only constraint. Although they aren’t as perfect as hardbound notebooks, they are still better than paperbacks. Hardbound quality coupled with low price, trade paperbacks are best for budget watchers.

  • Considering mass-market paperback:

Producers often prefer mass-market copies while they plan to launch a book of new writers. These are pretty cheap and aren’t as appealing as trade paperbacks and hardbound notebooks. But best for exercising experiments. 

  • Consider publishing online:

With an increasing number of online facility users, it is worth publishing your book over the internet, subsequently offline. This could get you more buyers subjected to a captivated storyline.


If you are a book lover or a person who requires notebooks, choosing one can be a dilemma. However, make sure you evaluate our curated parameters to select one idea kind of cover, be it paperback or hardbound notebooks.