Royals express their sorrow for the passing of Prince Michael of Kent’s son-in-law, Thomas Kingston


A death has occurred at the age of 45 for Thomas Kingston, who was the spouse of Lady Gabriella Kingston and the son in law of Prince and Princess Michael of Kent, according to an announcement made by Buckingham Palace.

He was discovered dead at a residence in Gloucestershire on Sunday evening, and emergency services were dispatched to the location where the body was discovered.

Not only were there no suspicious circumstances, but there was also no other person involved.

During this difficult time, King Charles and Queen Camilla have extended their “most heartfelt thoughts and prayers” to his family.

Buckingham Palace issued a statement that paid respect to Mr. Kingston. The statement was given by Lady Gabriella, Mr. Kingston’s widow, and his family. The statement read, “Tom was an exceptional man who lit up the lives of all who knew him.”

A “great shock to the whole family” was how the death was characterized by the individual.

It is planned to hold an inquest.

In addition to being the grandson of King George V and the first cousin of the late Queen Elizabeth II, Prince Michael of Kent, who is now 81 years old, is the father of Lady Gabriella. Prince Michael is the daughter of Prince and Princess Michael of Kent.

A spokesperson for Buckingham Palace stated that King Charles and Queen Camilla “join Prince and Princess Michael of Kent and all those who knew him in grieving a much-loved member of the family.” The statement was made in reference to the late Prince Michael of Kent.

In 2019, Mr. Kingston, who is a director at the private equity firm Devonport Capital, tied the knot with Lady Gabriella at the St. George’s Chapel located within Windsor Castle. Guests at the ceremony included Queen Elizabeth II, Prince Philip, and Prince Harry.

In the past, he had worked for the Diplomatic Missions Unit of the Foreign Office in Baghdad, which is the capital of Iraq. During his time there, he was involved in arranging the release of hostages.

In addition to being a writer, contributing editor, and singer-songwriter, his wife, Lady Gabriella, has previous experience working as a director of arts and travel programmes.

Despite the fact that Lady Gabriella is not a working member of the Royal Family, she and Mr. Kingston’s family are receiving assistance from the Royal Family during this critical period.

During the funeral service for the late former King Constantine of Greece, which took place on Tuesday at St. George’s Chapel, her parents, the Prince and Princess of Kent, were present by her side.

It is thought that Prince William’s unexpected withdrawal from the funeral ceremony was not related to the news about Mr. Kingston. The reason for his withdrawal was a “personal matter” that was not mentioned.

The Gloucestershire Police Department reported that at 18:25 GMT on Sunday, they received a call from the ambulance service to respond to an address in the Cotswolds.

The law enforcement agency stated “The death is not being treated as suspicious and a file will be prepared for the coroner.”