Sagging brows and forehead skin can make us look older than we are. It can make the eyes look perpetually tired and the upper lids heavier. Brow Lift Toronto is the procedure that can refresh your look. It also targets the deeper horizontal wrinkles that are usually found running across the forehead. The procedure works to improve the appearance of the brow and the forehead, which also impacts the upper eyelid. Undergoing any cosmetic procedure is never easy, there are so many questions that you might have in mind. If this is a procedure that sounds like the right fit for you, we are here to tell you all about it.

How does the procedure work?

The procedure aims to create a younger look by repositioning the brow in a beautiful arc. It works by addressing the contours of the forehead and repositioning the brow. During the procedure, the surgeon removes the extra skin. This tightens or partially removes the facial muscles which causes the drop in the position of the brow. A brow lift can smoothen the forehead, remove the wrinkles between the eyes and also make the eyes look more alert and open. During the procedure, the patient is under general anaesthesia. It lasts for about 60 to 90 minutes.

There are various approaches to a brow lift. After the consultation, the surgeon will develop the surgical plan that will help to target the concern and create a balanced upper third of the face. There are three types of approaches when it comes to brow life. The first is the endoscopic lift in which there are several incisions along with brow reshaping. The second is the classical or coronal forehead lift, during which there is one long incision is made. The third is the limited incision brow lift in which the surgeon makes one incision behind the hairline in the temple on both sides. The technique to be used is dependent on the goals of the procedure.

Can it be paired with other surgical procedures?

A brow lift can be easily paired with a surgical and non-surgical procedure. Some procedures it’s paired with include a neck lift, eyelid surgery, facelift and a CO2 laser. If you are still unsure about pairing it up with another surgery, a great advantage is that the recovery time is not impacted and more areas are targeted within the same period.

When do you start seeing results?

With every cosmetic procedure, it takes a while to start seeing results. You will begin to see some changes once the swelling begins to subside. It will take a few months before you can start to see the final results.

Are the results of the procedure permanent?

The results of the procedure are temporary and will last for about 10 to 15 years. Brow lift targets sagging brow. As one continues to age, it can impact the eyebrows. This makes the results of the procedure temporary.