Content management systems are applications that allow for the smooth and seamless creation, publication and management of web content. These systems come in various formats, with one of the most popular platforms being the WordPress website. CMS platforms allow multiple contributors to develop, modify and publish different kinds of content. CMS websites such as WordPress, Joomla, Magento, Drupal, etc., allow users to post diverse types of content.
Content Management Systems have risen in popularity exponentially in the last few years, with the exponential rise of digital marketing, e-commerce and the online masses. Today, anyone can have their own CMS website hosted online and tap the vast online market, from B2B companies to online essay and network assignment help companies.
There are, however, some significant risks associated with CMS.
CMS Security Is Essential
Now, just like everything else on a public domain like the Internet, security becomes a critical factor. The Internet is a prolific market where millions of dollars are transacted each passing day, and many individuals exchange information. Therefore, the potential for misuse is enormous and attracts miscreants & criminals from all over.
The recent proliferation of personalized CMS e-commerce sites has drawn forth dangerous cyber criminals, who can cripple the system, siphon off money, steal data or hold site owners hostage.
Here are some of the most common security threats faced by Content Management websites.
Common CMS Vulnerabilities
Brute Force Attack- These attacks employ a trial-and-error method of entering multiple usernames, passwords or combinations of both, over and over again until a successful combination is discovered. This is the least efficient and intuitive type of cyberattack.
SQL Injection –SQL injections are web security vulnerabilities where malicious codes modify database records and help attackers gain unauthorized access. Such backend data manipulation can give attackers access to sensitive data, private customer details or even administrative access.
DDoS Attack – In Denial of Service (DoS) attacks, large volumes of requests are sent to a web server,creating a logjam of requests, overwhelming the system, and preventing valid users from accessing resources.
Cross-Site Scripting -Cross-site scripting, also known as XSS, is an injection wherein malicious scripts are inserted into trusted and harmless websites. Attackers use XSS to send malicious codes to unsuspecting users who exploit their trust to access sensitive data.
The more popular the CMS software and the less experienced the user, the greater the risk. Forgoing the essentials of online security, especially for a CMS website, is foolhardy.You do not want to see your dream of having a prolific online business brought low due to a momentary lapse of reason & common sense.
Read on to learn the best ways to secure your CMS website.
CMS Website Security Strategies& Tips
Security failure of any content management system website occurs when malicious actors compromise the associated web server. Servers of CMS websites are a popular target due to their recent proliferation and association with numerous e-commerce ventures. These servers fulfil varied purposes and offer increased networking & computing capacity, making them a target of choice for malcontents.
The strategies below are a solid step towards securing CMS websites and servers.
- UpdateFrequently and Don’t Forget To Patch!
When using a CMS, especially a popular one, you will have to keep an eye out for updates. Apply them with urgency and do so quickly if the updates are intended to patch a major vulnerability. Keep in mind that hijackers do a lot of research before going after a particular vulnerabilit
y, weak point, loophole or bug.
- BackupEverything
While it is customary to create a backup before you apply updates or other significant changes, it is also recommended to make regular backups—weekly or even daily, depending on how often you post to the CMS.
If you should find out that some intruder made changes to your website, it is a good idea to have a recent backup that you can restore without losing too much work and without having to comb through every piece of code to check if anything else has been tampered with.
- Security By Obscurity IS NOT A Good Idea
If you have the resources and substantial knowledge to build your system and keep it secure, do so with immediacy. And, if it pays off to have a specialized third-party who can keep things safe & secure, then hire them outright. The fact of the matter is that you should not rely on design secrecy as a means of security. Security by obscurity does not work.
Keep the CMS Updated& Use Plugins From Reliable Sources
Whatever CMS you choose, be it proprietary or open-source, keep tabs on the frequency of its updates.Security threats evolve with lightning speed today, so it’s paramount for the creators of your CMS to keep systems secure and resilient. Frequent patches and updates are essential for fighting against vulnerabilities.
Turn on CMS auto-updates. Similarly, if your CMS setup uses any plug-ins, make sure they get timely updates as plug-ins are one of the most prominent vulnerabilities for CMS websites. Use fewer plug-ins in general and get the latest version of the essential needs.
Use plug-ins and third-party software from top-rated publishers only. Go through reviews to find out more about any security loopholes and frequency of updates.
Set Unique and Complex Passwords
Ensure your CMS login details should be challenging to memorize
To secure a login process while creating new login credentials, grant appropriate access levels (guest, admin, editor, etc.).Generate a unique and complex passwordusing a password manager. Turn on 2 Factor Authorization if available and set it active for every login session.
Backup Data Frequently
Ransomware is one of the most devastating kinds of malware in recent times. They are scripts that block access to data by encrypting it and then hold the owner ransom. For example, the ‘Wanna Cry’ ransomware infected more than 200,000 computers across the computer in 2017.
The best precaution is to keep things updated and patched. Configure frequent automatic backups in different formats & locations and restrict network & user access.
Install HTTPS for All URLs
HTTPS has become the predominant website security protocol for essay help CMS websites. In addition, secure Sockets Locker certificates ensure that no visitor requests are imitations from malcontents.
Additionally, employing HTTPS for your website also boost SEO scores with Google and other search engines. As a result, they can increase the web site’s rank and even website traffic.
Before rounding up, here’s a quick rundown.
Quick CMS Security Tips
- Choose your CMS with both functionality and security in mind.
- Choose plug-ins wisely.
- Update and patch with urgency.
- Please keep track of all the changes to your site and their source code.
- Use secure passwords and employ 2-Factor authorization.
- Give user permissions (and their levels of access) considerable thought.
- Be wary of SQL injection. Instead, employ parameterized statements or object-relational mapping frameworks.
- If you allow uploads, limit the type of files to non-executables and monitor them closely.
- For websites that require even more security, there are specialized vulnerability scanners and application firewalls that you may want to look into. However, if the CMS is hosted on your servers, be aware of the dangers of using third-party open-source code. Take special precautions.
And, that’s all the space we have for today. Hope the tips and guidelines help users keep their useful CMS websites safe, secure and resilient.
All the best!
Author-Bio: Graham McCurdy is an online security analyst and programmer at a reputed web security company. He is also a tutor at, a leading academic service provider.