Treatment Options for Kidney Stones in India

Treatment Options for Kidney Stones in India
Treatment Options for Kidney Stones in India

There are a few options for treatment when it comes to kidney stones. The most common way is through medical therapy, but there’s also extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy (ESWL) percutaneous nephrolithotripsy and ureteroscopy. 

Some people who have gallbladder surgery may experience pain as their body tries to get rid of what was removed during the procedure in order prevent future problems from forming again – which can happen if certain precautions aren’t taken beforehand!

How Kidney Stones are Formed

Kidney stones are painful to pass, but with the right care they can be avoided. Kidneys work hard to keep our bodies running smoothly by filtering out impurities in water and waste products like calcium that have been released from tiny crystals found within urine after eating foods such as milk or soft drinks that concentrate sugars. If you drink more fluids than your body needs then too much crystal formation occurs which could lead towards kidney problems down the road if left unchecked without treatment for some time; this includes having cysteine (rare) uric acid stone types among others!

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How Crystal Production Increases in Urine

  • Dehydration. Dehydrated people are more likely to form kidney stones! To keep your urine from turning into crystals and causing complications, make sure you stay hydrated by diluting it with enough water every day- especially if there’s been an increase in workload or stress levels at work/home
  • Oxalate. If you’re worried about kidney stones, it’s worth cutting back on foods that contain high levels of oxalate. These include spinach and beets (not to mention rhubarb!) as well as almonds or tea from the south-east Asian region – yikes!
  • High-fat diets. Did you know that eating a high-fat diet can increase the amount of oxalates in our body? It’s true! The best way to avoid this problem is by following some guidelines on what kinds and how much dairy we should have with meals.
  • Excess salt. There you have it, folks. Eating foods with a large amount of salt can cause the kidneys to excrete more calcium and that is what causes stones like calcioula or phosphate affluent in urine!
  • Protein. Protein is key to making sure you don’t end up with a stone. That’s because high protein diets increase urine acidity, which in turn makes it easier for calcium oxalate stones or uric acids that lead towards kidney problems like nephrolithiasis (or “stone disease”)
  • Stone-forming medications. “Several types of drugs and vitamins can promote kidney stones, such as diuretics,” says Dr. Joe.”Topamax (a drug used to treat anxiety disorders), Diamox(used for altitude sickness) or Zonegran which is an antacid found in many prescription pain relievers are examples.”

Top 5 Things to Prevent Kidney Stones

  • Make an appointment with your urology provider to get checked out. A special test may be able to find out what’s going on and help you take the right steps for treatment, including referrals if needed!
  • Drink plenty of fluids, especially water. If you’re sweating a lot or passing urine more than usual then drink between 2 and 3 liters per day for most people! It’s important that your pee is clear – this means drinking at least 8 glasses in total – if not go see an doctor because there could be kidney disease or congestive heart failure involved (plus consult with them before increasing intake).
  • Avoid foods high in oxalates and tea. Spinach is the highest food by far, if you eat a lot of it then your not doing too well for yourself!
  • Avoid salty foods like bacon and processed snack foods. Read the labels on your food to make sure you’re not eating too much salt!
  • Eat fruits and vegetables. Citrus fruits like oranges, grapefruit and lemons can prevent kidney stones by giving your body citric acid.

Treatment Options For Kidney Stones

For most kidney stone treatment in Mumbai, you can take care of them yourself at home. Pain medicine may be needed and the best way to stay hydrated is by drinking plenty of fluids so that pesky little stone doesn’t have too much power over your body! If a large or stuck-in place remains for whatever reason though, an additional procedure needs doing – Extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy (ESWL). The ESWL uses high intensity sound waves which break up any stubborn rocks within us humanoids’ pee tubes…sometimes even without having anyone hold on tight!!