Forgot QuickBooks Password? Here is How You Can Reset It!

Forgot QuickBooks Password

A very crucial part of your QuickBooks login credentials is the password. It is very natural to be in a situation where a user forgot QuickBooks password as human memory does not remember 100% of things. When users run into such a situation, the next logical step is to reset the password and log into their QuickBooks account. The method to do so is different for both QuickBooks Desktop and Online versions. 

Did you forget the QuickBooks password and can’t log into your account? Reach out to an expert at +1(855)-738-0359 and he can help you reset the password. 

Things to Do If You Forgot QuickBooks Password  

The method to reset your password for QuickBooks online requires you to simply click on a certain link, follow a few steps and eventually wait for the password reset link on your mail. 

For QuickBooks Desktop, you can change your admin password and your user password. Let’s look at the steps you need to follow if you forgot QuickBooks password in detail:-

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Reset Password for QuickBooks Accountant Online

You can reset the password for QuickBooks Accountant Online through a link that you will receive on your registered email id. The process to get that link is:- 

  • Go to the QuickBooks Online Sign-in page.
  • Click on I forgot my user ID or Password.
  • Now follow the instructions on your screen. 

You would get a password reset link if you used your email address or user ID to verify your account. 

If You Don’t Get the Email?

  • Go through your spam or junk folder.
  • Add do_not_reply@intuit to your contact list. 
  • Go through other email ids that you may have potentially used while creating your account.
  • Unblock Intuit from Intuit. 

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Reset Password for QuickBooks Desktop

You can change the admin password and user password through QB application itself. These are the steps you need to follow:- 

Step 1- Check Which Password do You Want to Reset

Admin Password

You are required to reset the admin password if:- 

  • Not required to provide a user name. You only need to enter a password to sign in.
  • ‘Admin’ is the Username or another admin role that you were given.

User Password

If you aren’t an admin user, your QuickBooks administrator can help you reset your password. Contact your administrator and instruct them to follow the steps outlined in the “Reset a User Password” section below.

Steps 2- Follow Steps To Reset Password

Admin Password

You’ll need to confirm some information as a security measure if you need to reset your admin password because you can’t remember it. These are the steps you need to follow if you don’t remember the required information:- 

  • Click on I forgot my password on the Company login window.
  • Choose your email id from the list and click on Next. You will get email token to reset your password. Click on Don’t see your email in the list above? If you don’t see your email address and follow the onscreen instructions.
  • Enter the token from your email.

Our emails may end up in your spam folder. Check your spam and junk folders if you don’t see your code in your inbox.

So now we hope you know what you need to do when you Forgot QuickBooks Password and want to log into your QB account. If you still have any doubts left, contact an expert at +1(855)-738-0359 and they will guide you on what you need to do.