Harnessing the Power Of Proximity Marketing To Increase Engagement


The advancement of technology opens various opportunities for various retail and property claims businesses to grow. This relates to proximity marketing. As businesses implement location-based marketing, the ad campaigns reach a more personal level with their target customers. In this article post, you’ll get an idea of hyper-local marketing and the benefits it brings to property claims businesses and retail businesses alike.

Concept of Proximity Marketing

A practice of location-based marketing where a business uses their customers’ location, is a foundation for a Bluetooth proximity advertising strategy. Businesses big or small use proximity marketing to engage with their potential customers, as they come physically near the business. It results in more practical, effective, and more personal ads.

The objective of proximity-based marketing is to deliver marketing campaigns to potential customers who are nearby retailers, restaurants, or other locations of interest to the target consumers. 

This marketing system is built to recognize the customer profile and send the message directly to the person. People may receive marketing messages in different forms like coupons or discount cards, advertisement banners in the store, or a personalized ad on a store companion website. For example, advertising a café located close to an event center will entice visitors attending events held in that center (such as concerts, or shows) to visit the café to order coffee.

Types of Proximity Marketing Solutions

Wi-Fi Proximity Marketing

Providing access to high-speed, reliable Wi-Fi is today a necessity for retailers, as increasingly customers are seeking convenience-driven in-store experiences. Wi-Fi marketing is an inherent component of in-store marketing delivering guests personalized, customer-activated content based on their proximity. 

Providing free Wi-Fi to visitors visiting your store is granting you valuable assets, i.e., consumer data. As a customer logs in to your Wi-Fi network, ask them to provide their email, to help you reach out to them later and send personalized marketing messages.

GPS-Based Proximity Marketing

With great accuracy and high efficiency, location-based marketing allows brands to base ad targeting on meaningful data points such as demographics, location/geography, platform, and time. This is called GPS-based marketing. Also known as geo-targeting and geo-marketing, this strategy allows companies to identify and engage customers based on their location. It is commonly used in real estate and retail businesses.

For example, if you live or work near a specific physical location or a business, you may be willing to make a purchase or other preference-based commitment like an insurance claim to that establishment. Those locations like local grocery stores or a property claims company, can harness that information to send you exclusive messages, offers, and promotions.

The Final Thoughts

Businesses of all sizes and verticals are discovering the benefits of marketing to clients in their proximity. Localization is just happening as many companies start to operate on a global level. This e-commerce trend is in readiness for strong growth as it forges new opportunities for brands to grow their customer base and earnings. Proximity-based marketing campaigns focus on getting closer to those who are already close to you.