Things To Do After Being Diagnosed With Sleep Apnea


Sleep Apnea is a sleeping disorder that mainly affects people after their 50s. Various reasons can cause sleep apnea, like unhealthy lifestyle, anxiety, stress, diabetes, etc.

And if you have been recently diagnosed with this disorder by a sleep apnea clinic in Mississauga, read on. Here, we will discuss things you can do after being diagnosed with this disease.

Control your weight

Obesity or being overweight can cause more trouble with sleep apnea and worsen your condition. Carrying excessive body weight puts pressure on your neck and throat, which can lead to airway obstruction during your sleep.

So, if you have been diagnosed with sleep apnea, you must focus on regulating your weight actively.

Regulate your diabetes

Diabetes is another crucial aspect you must focus on if you have sleep apnea. Sleep Apnea can get worst if you have diabetes. If you visit any sleep apnea clinic in Mississauga, they will probably suggest you check your body weight and control your diabetes levels.


Regular exercise can reduce the symptoms of sleep apnea. You can try simple workouts and exercises regularly to improve your condition. Activities like brisk walking can significantly help reduce sleep apnea symptoms.

Stop taking alcohol and some other medications.

Alcohol and some specific medication can also deteriorate your condition and worsen your sleep apnea. Doctors suggest staying away from things that can affect your breathing and interfere with your airways. If you have sleep apnea, you must not take alcohol, sleeping pills, or other such medicines.

Sleeping position

Changing your sleeping position can also help reduce sleep apnea severity. For example, if you sleep on your back, your soft palate and tongue can stick to the back of your throat and stop you from breathing during your sleep. Thus sleeping sidewise or on your stomach can be helpful for you. You can even use a pillow or a device behind your back to alert you are changing your sleeping position during your sleep.

Lifestyle change

Stress, anxiety, and hypertension can also worsen your sleep apnea symptoms. If you change your lifestyle and reduce the stress and anxiety from your routine, you can effectively control sleep apnea symptoms.


CPAP is an air pressure machine that blows gentle air pressure through your nose and mouth while you are sleeping. Continuous positive airway pressure, or CPAP, helps to deliver positive air pressure and prevent your airway tissues from collapsing.
However, using a CPAP machine can be a bit difficult and uncomfortable when you first use it.

Visit a dentist

If you have sleep apnea, you may consider visiting a dentist for sleep apnea. Teeth grinding is one of the most common symptoms of sleep apnea, and a dentist can help you get rid of it easily. They can get you a mouth guard or night guard to prevent teeth grinding and promote better sleep.

Also, night guards can be an effective alternative to CPAPs, and you can easily sleep at night without wearing a hazardous mask to maintain oxygen levels.


Sleep Apnea is a sleeping disorder that stops your breathing when you are asleep. It can cause fatigue, tiredness, and stress to your heart and nervous system. So, if you want to reduce your symptoms, you can try these tips. Also, if you are looking for quality sleep apnea treatment, you can visit Credit River Dental, the best sleep apnea clinic in Mississauga, for your treatment.